
Gloucestershire Ladies' County Golf Association

Forest Hills Cleeve Cloud Alexander Park Bristol & Clifton Lilley Brook Lilley Brook Knowle Kendleshire


About Us






Immediate Past Captain








Contact info: Lizzie Claridge (Secretary) -  Email:

Gloucestershire Lady Captains' Society - 'A Potted History' 

At the 2010 AGM the Society's then secretary, Debbie Casling, provided the focus with a potted history of the society which was much enjoyed by all who attended the occasion.  Hopefully this extract will initiate a page dedicated to our history, so please contact any member of our committee with your photos and reminiscences and we will see what can be done.  

"I thought this year I would try to be factual for you, especially for those new members, and as we hadn't had any History as such at our AGMs for a while I took it upon myself to find you some. 

Please note that all this information is gained from our records - so if dates are a little out I can only blame those who recorded them!

Way back in 1966 - 23rd February to be exact -- 33 members formed the Society and many of those I have identified in this photo for you to have a look at.


In 1967 numbers grew to 90 - 1975 to 196 and 1977 to 218 and so it grew - to date we have over 900 recorded members!

At the 1967 AGM the adoption of the Gloucestershire Coat of Arms as a Society Badge was discussed and the then Kemps the jewellers in Bristol was commissioned to make the badges and in 1984 this was taken over by Toye Kenning & Spencer.

The Society badge is the centre section of the Gloucestershire Coat of Arms - the Golden Fleeces indicative of the woollen industry. The Horseshoes taken from the Ancient Arms of City, Arms of The Cripps Family and Arms of The Allen Family and all date back to 1935.

Going back to 1966 again life membership for the Society was 2 guineas which became decimalised to £2.10 - in 1979 this increased to £2.50 - 1988 to £5 and then 1993 the current rate of £10 (as at 2010)

20/7/1966 was the date of the first Summer Meeting held at Minchinhampton

1967 saw the first match against another county which was Dorset, Devon & Hants played at Winchester arranged by Mrs Doreen Nutter

1970 First match against the Men at Stinchcombe and it took until 1979 before we beat them!

Trophies, new competitions and special events:

1966 - Chamberlain Cup was presented by none other than Mrs K Chamberlain

1968 - Silver Salver was presented by Mrs E Mitten

1982 - Vera Virgin donated the Society Gavel

1985 - Bennion Trophy was presented by Mrs B Bennion

1988 - Sweaters were introduced to the Society

1992 - The Cloth was donated by Mrs Margaret Hill

1992 -also the year Fixture Cards were introduced.

1996 - Mrs Cicely Knapp from Shirehampton proposed Name Badges

1996 - Secretary/Treasurer committee role split into 2 roles

2011 - First Annual Fun Away Day

2014 - Best Stableford Bowl introduced (Summer Meeting)

2015 - Annual Challenge Match v Glos Vets introduced.  Trophy donated by Lorna Sparkes.

2016 - 50th Anniversary year - GLCGS Flag donated by Jacky Smith

2017 - Society Spring Bowmaker introduced

2020 - Season abandoned due to COVID 19!

Last but not least:

1976 The Summer Meeting at Ross was just 50p and that was raised from 25p!!

AND in 1983 Tewkesbury Park hosted the AGM at a cost of £4.60 per head - I think we get a superb deal here."

Thanks to Debbie for researching and providing this information.

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