Gloucestershire Girls' Golf - Policies
Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy Statement
Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy Document and Appendices
GLCGA GGG Safeguarding Policy December 2023.docx
Social Media Policy
GGG Social Media Policy January 2023.docx
Code of Conduct and Parental Consent Form
GGG Parental Consent Form 2023.docx
Spectator Code
The Bidder Bursaries and Grants have been made possible by a 'gift' from a benefactor and are available to all juniors in Gloucestershire under the age of 18.
The Bidder Bursary is to be used for an annual junior subscription (excluding affiliation fees) for a period of up to 2 years and dependent upon receipt of an annual progress report from the applicant. Once a junior has exceeded the age of 18 and no longer pays a junior subscription, the bursary would cease. An application form should be submitted together with an accompanying letter from the applicant in support of the application. The junior subscription will be paid directly to the Golf Club.
The Bidder Grant is available for the purchase of equipment to be used by the applicant which will allow the further development of the applicant's game. The maximum amount that applicants can apply for each year is £250.