
Gloucestershire Ladies' County Golf Association

GGG - Competitions 2025

We run a number of events throughout the season - this year there are 4 Stableford and card marking competitions, a junior championship and an end-of-season event.

Entry and competition payment should be made 'Online'  (use the Online Signup links below).  Entrants for the Pre-handicap Card Marking competitions need to email Janice if they wish to compete in a competition - please email the girls' name and their home club, and the name of the event they want to enter to Janice and pay online using the GGG Bank details below.  

Janice's Email:  

We run a Stableford Order of Merit throughout the season based on entry and performance.

To make the season more interesting, after a couple of years of trialling the opportunity for girls to accrue more OOM points by playing in nominated junior opens, we have decided to formalise a County Junior Girls OOM called "JENNY MAY OOM", which will include all Junior Opens across the County.  Girls will also need to have competed in at least 2 of the GGG stablefords to be eligible for prizes which will be presented at the End of Season Presentation Day on 12th October.  If girls play in Junior Opens they will be awarded entry/participation points, and girls can also get more points if they are in the top two girl golfers for both the nett and gross scores (if they are the nett and gross winner, they will only get points for the gross score). The Junior Opens are listed below.

Please contact Janice Saunders, CJO, by emailing or calling 07770 533238 should you have any queries about any GGG competitions.

GGG Stableford & Card Marking Competition Days - 2025 Series

The GGG Stableford & Card Marking Competition Days comprise a series of 4 events during the 2025 playing season, giving girls an opportunity for regular competition with other girl golfers:

GGG #1: Sunday 18th May - Knowle GC - 1300 hours start time - ONLINE ENTRY

GGG #2: Sunday 8th June June - Stinchcombe Hill  GC - 1300 hours start time - ONLINE ENTRY

GGG #3: Sunday 6th July - Gloucester  GC - 1300 hours start time - ONLINE ENTRY

GGG #4: Sunday 21st September - Henbury GC - Start time TBC - ONLINE ENTRY


On Competition days, we will run an 18-hole Stableford for players with HI's up to 54, and we will also run a 9-hole Card Marking Competition for beginners who don't have a handicap but are ready to start marking cards. There are two prize categories based on handicap for each Competition Day.

Up to 36 HI and > 37 HI

1st place: £10 voucher
2nd place: £8 voucher (awarded if 7 or more players)
3rd place: £5 voucher (awarded if 13 or more players)

A selection of prizes will be awarded to competitors of the 9-hole Card Marking competitions based on results and noteworthy performances.   Prize vouchers which can be redeemed at your own Club's Pro Shop will be awarded to winners of the 18-hole Stableford Competition. 

Results from the 4 Stableford Competition Days will be collated and will form part of the 2025 Stableford Series Order of Merit. Order of Merit trophies and prizes will be presented at the Jenny May Day End of Season Event on 12th October at Thornbury Golf Club. 


Entry deadline for each Stableford Competition Day is eight days before the event, and you can click on the links above or go to the main County Competition page.  The entry fee is £11.00 per player (including meal) for each Competition Day and should be paid online before the closing date using the following bank details:

SORT CODE                                        20-20-15
ACCOUNT NUMBER:                     20240540

Girls without handicaps can enter the beginner's 9-hole card marking competitions by emailing their names and the competitions they would like to enter to: 

Start time sheets will be emailed out the week before each Competition Day and will be posted on the website. 

Please email Janice at least eight days before if you wish to withdraw from a competition so that a refund can be arranged and catering numbers adjusted.


Results will be posted after the events, and leaderboards will be created once the first events have been played so that you can monitor your position on the leaderboard. 

JENNY MAY Order Of Merit (OOM)   

For the Jenny May OOM girls must compete in at least two GGG Stablefords to be eligible to win the Jenny May OOM and points will be awarded to all girls who participate in the following Junior Opens, with more points awarded if eligible girls finish as the top girl for either nett and gross scores. 

Sunday, 13 April Forest Hill GC BOOK HERE
Sunday, 11 May GGG Junior Champs - Shirehampton Park GC BOOK HERE
Sunday, 18 May GGG Stableford - Knowle GC BOOK HERE
Monday, 26 May Chipping Sodbury GC BOOK HERE
Tuesday, 27 May Knowle GC BOOK HERE
Sunday, 8 June GGG Stableford - Stinchcombe Hill GC BOOK HERE
Sunday, 6 July GGG Stableford - Gloucester GC BOOK HERE
Wednesday, 23 July Broadway GC BOOKING SOON
Monday, 28 `July The Bristol GC BOOKING SOON
Tuesday, 29 July Cotswold Edge GC BOOKING SOON
Wednesday, 30 July The Kendleshire GC BOOKING SOON
Friday, 1 August Stinchcombe Hill GC BOOKING SOON
Monday, 4 August Lansdown GC BOOKING SOON
Monday, 11 August Cotswold Hills GC BOOKING SOON
Tuesday, 12 August Henbury GC BOOKING SOON
Friday, 15 August Lilley Brook GC BOOKING SOON
Monday, 18 August Long Ashton GC BOOKING SOON
Tuesday, 19 August Thornbury GC BOOKING SOON
Wednesday, 20 August Gloucester GC BOOKING SOON
Tuesday, 26 August Bristol & Clifton GC BOOKING SOON
Sunday, 14 September Ross-on-Wye GC BOOKING SOON 
Sunday, 21 September GGG Stableford - Henbury GC BOOK HERE
Sunday, 28 September Brickhampton Court GC BOOKING SOON        
Sunday, 19 October Minchinhampton GC BOOKING SOON
Tuesday, 28 October

Cirencester GC


GGG County Championship - 11th MAy 2025 - SHIREHAMPTON PARK Golf Club

This is our most prestigious event and is open to girls who were under 18 on 1st January 2025 with a HI of 48 or less, who are members of a Golf Club affiliated to Gloucestershire Ladies' County Golf Association.  As in the past couple of years our Championship will be held on the same day and at the same venue as the U16 Gloucestershire Boys Championship.  There will be one start sheet that will be produced in handicap order; however, boys and girls will not be playing together.

Distant Measuring Devices capable of measuring distance are only allowed in accordance with Rule 14.3 in the R&A book.

Our Champion will represent Gloucestershire County at the Champion of Champions that is hosted by England Golf at Woodhall Spa in September.


There are competitions for the Gross Championship cup, the Nett Championship trophy, and Stableford prizes, so girls of all handicap levels have plenty to play for. 

The Under 16 trophy is awarded for the best gross score by a girl who was under 16 on 1st January 2025.

How to enter

The entry deadline is 19 April 2025.  The entry fee is £13.00 per player and should be paid online before the closing date.  You can enter online by clicking   HERE.

The start sheet will be emailed out to entrants the week before the event and will also be posted on the website.

Please email at least eight days before if you wish to withdraw from the competition to arrange a refund.

End of season review & Jenny May Day - 12th October 2025 - THORNBURY Golf Club

This is GGG's special end-of-season event for all girl golfers in the county. All girls with or without handicaps are welcome to attend this event. It's always a great, fun event and usually the Junior Captain chooses a theme, so that if girls want to wear fancy dress they can do so.

The GGG end-of-season report and prize giving will start the day's event, followed by a meal and then the golfing activities start with a Florida Scramble over 18 holes for girls with handicaps, and if there are sufficient pre-handicappers, then we will run a 9-hole scramble or a variation which may involve golfing parents will go out to play in the Florida Scramble.  Once everyone has finished their rounds, we will have a quick presentation of prizes and then it's 'home' time. 

How to enter

Entry deadline is 4th October 2025.  The entry fee is £11.00 per player, which includes a meal, and should be paid before the closing date.  Girls can enter by clicking HERE or by emailing

Pre-handicappers should email

The start sheet will be emailed out to entrants the week before the event and posted on the website.

Please email before the closing date if you wish to withdraw from the competition so that a refund can be arranged and catering numbers adjusted.

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