
Gloucestershire Ladies' County Golf Association

GGG - Reporting Scores

All GGG competition results are submitted to your club automatically. However, it is the responsibility of the player to report all away scores imcluding any overseas scores to their club handicap secretary or junior organiser in line with club policy as soon as you can.  Please see the guidance from England Golf that has recently been published below.

You must keep an up-to-date handicap index certificate, and a copy should be taken to every away competition just in case the organisers cannot access your handicap index via the online WHS site.

Before you leave an away competition, try to take a copy of your card. If you are playing away on consecutive days, entries to the WHS are uploaded at midnight, so your handicap should be adjusted automatically in readiness for you to play the following day.  You should never adjust your own handicap upwards.

If at any time you require more information about handicaps or help with any golfing matters, please contact your CJO , who will try to help. 

England Golf Guidance

January 2025

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.